Rose's Hellscape

Enjoy your stay. (this site works on mobile but is designed with PC first and foremost, sorry if text is small)

Hey, my name is Rose. If youre reading this you are likely already my friend! But you might have just found a link on one of my public profiles.

I started making this page the 29th of July 2024. Having previously used sites like "carrd" but disliking the limitations I decided to learn HTML.

As it turns out Javascript and CSS were also topics I'd start to learn. As I write this I still fail to understand even HTML very well. With hours of work, many tutorials, and messing with a layout I made something satisfactory enough to start using!

This site will forever be in construction, as I ever grow and change, but its a pretty good summary to learn a bit about me :P

- Rose . Y -

I go by very few aliases. But the most common I use is Rosezinha (row-zeen-ha), Due to the fees associated with username changes on some platforms I sometimes am stuck with "senorsombrero" this was a name I made up as a child and no longer use or care for in any way, other than that I will sometimes use joke names. As I Write this I go by "Innocent Family of Four" on Steam.

Navbar up top will show ya around