Deets on me!

me as in "Rose" .... duh

  • I was born the 25th of September 2005
  • I am not into Zodiacs but for those who want that info for whatever reason I am a Libra, Rooster and my birthstone is Sapphire. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • I am Transfemme
  • I came to the realization of discomfort when I was around 13 or 12. I attempted to present as Nonbinary briefly before I truly came to terms with myself. I didnt get acess to HRT untill I hit 18 due to being in the closet for so long. I have severe dysphoria about my body, voice and mannerisms, due to this and my general blunt social skills I often come off as hurtful or rude and closed off, I am sorry in advance if I do things "unaturally" I strive to improve myself, despite being an adult a lot of my life was incomplete and lacking in growth. (jeez what a yapper amirite)

  • I am Bisexual
  • I have conflicted emotions about "romantic feelings", I would not claim to be Aromantic, I think I can love, maybe? everyone seems to find and desire love so easy, Its not like I dont want a partner, I've thought of it before, and I've had relations in the past, but I feel oddly content without. I've never taken the first or even second step in starting a relationship. maybe I havent met enough people to love yet??

  • I have ADHD
  • no it is not fun or quirky. its hell.

  • I have severe Social Anxiety
  • I'm gettin better! bit by bit

  • I try to give everyone a chance!
  • I dont bite! even if bitten :P, I dont think anybody is like, inherently evil, dont get me wrong, theres people I hate, really, really, HATE . but I dont dislike easy, even if someone says something wierd or that comes off as mean I really try to understand! I know I can come off mean sometimes and I dont mean to do that! so I gotta give chances its only fair haha

  • Canadian